Monday 19 November 2012

Job Roles

Sound Engineer

The Sound Engineer is responsible for all the the sound that is in the game, from the music that plays in the background to the voice acting. With a Sound Engineer the game would be complete quiet. Some times the Sound Engineer with do some of the voice acting them self's but the bulk of it will be done with professional voice actors under the supervision of the Sound Engineer. They are also responsible for all of the sound editing. Nowadays, there is normally an outside composer that does the games score.


Artist are broken up into different sections. You have Concept Artist who draw up what the game looks like, the 3D modelers that take the concept art and make it real which is then followed up by the Texture Artist who work on the environment and character textures, making them look as smooth as possible.

Game Designers

The Game Designers work on the visions of the game as well as what the world is like, the setting of the game, along with its story and characters. They also need to make sure that the rest of the team knows exactly what the game is all about. The Game Designer also needs to train the games testers so they can understand what to expect when the game is finished.


Scripters are the people that decide what happens in the levels, like what people say and what in level events happen. They also tell the Sound Engineer what sound effects are needed.


Programming has different sections like Tools and AI. The AI Programmers work on the AI for the none playable characters and the Tools Programmers works on the engine and the tools that help the rest of the team make the game.

QA & Testers

Quality Assurancer and Tester play through the game in both early stages and when it is finished. They do this to test for bugs and to see what other changes are needed, then tell the team about the changes and explain why they are needed.

Product Managers

Product Managers are the people that make sure everyone is doing what they should be doing and have reached their goals.

Development Cycle

You need to first pitch your idea and they tell you what kind of game you want. After that, you need to do all the planning.

Quote & Approve:
You design the game and show the company to see if they want it.

You make a demo of what you are making, be this on paper or something quick in Flash.

Make the game. While you are making the game you test every little part to sere if it works right.

Stage & Test:
This is where you have people play it to test for bugs but not the public.

Release the game to the public.