Friday 21 September 2012

Mouse Follower

Today I also made 5 circles follow where ever my mouse would go both up and down as well as making the mouse itself hidden:
Here's the code:
And in writen form:
 obj._x-=(obj._x -_xmouse)/40
 obj._y-=(obj._y -_ymouse)/40
 obj2._x-=(obj2._x -_xmouse)/20
 obj2._y-=(obj2._y -_ymouse)/20
 obj3._x-=(obj3._x -_xmouse)/10
 obj3._y-=(obj3._y -_ymouse)/10
 obj4._x-=(obj4._x -_xmouse)/5
 obj4._y-=(obj4._y -_ymouse)/5
 obj5._x-=(obj5._x -_xmouse)/2.5
 obj5._y-=(obj5._y -_ymouse)/2.5

Scrolling Picture Galery

Today I made a scrolling picture gallery in Flash. I got it to scroll backwards and forwards. The code was really easy when you figure it all out. Here's what I used:

First one:
nextBtn.onPress = function()
backBtn.onPress = function()

Second one:

Thrid one:

Last one:

Thursday 20 September 2012

Exploring the Internet for Website Research

This afternoon's lesson was exploring the infinite space known as the Internet for websites we liked. I started my search on The FWA Awards website as they have, what they think, is the best websites of the month and even the year. Having a look through what they had a came across some websites that I personally like the look of:


The Labuat website starts off with a modified mouse that looks like water is pouring into the middle letting you know what is loading up at that moment. The background is like an aged piece of paper with what you can do on the site.

 When you hit the 'Play' button a song starts up and a ink line starts to follow where ever you're mouse goes. with every beat there is a bigger ink splash. As it continues the ink will change into different graphics like pictures, words, people and even have a load of birds split off and follow you.

If you got a few minutes to kill then give it a look:

Fire Drill

So we where all just sat around the the most loud and ear bursting nosie you could use for a fire alram goes off and it was only a drill ¬_¬. God damn it was cold outside!

Button's With Code

Well, today I made some bog standard button's that change colours and number's when you click on them. It was fairly easy when I got to grips with what code I had to put in. You learn something new every day. Anyway heres the code i used:
Writen form:
firstBtn.onPress = function()
secondBtn.onPress = function()
thridBtn.onPress = function()
fourthBtn.onPress = function()